Friday, 13 December 2019

my last blog post😭😭😭

Hi guys, I'm sad to say this will be my last blog of the year, I will post it today and will put on even more sad emoji's to say good bye.😭 Here are some things that I liked during the year.

Wizard of oz, Theatre Group play (which I was in!), ALL my friends; Lila, Salamasina, Matilda, Franny, Emily and Finlay.

Now, for the thanks!

Thank you Miss Burt for taking part as Room 7's teacher.
Thank you Mr D for tacking over Miss Fitzpatrick's job while finding a new teacher.
Thank you all my friends for helping me through hard times.
Thank you staff for putting me in such a wonderful class.
Thank you Fairy Judy for helping me with my maths, mostly my division. (also all those nice warm hugs you gave me where very heart warming.)

Good by Owairaka! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

teaser week 2 activity 2

this is my activity 2 for teaser week, hope you like it!
Shelly-Ann is as fast as light.
macaroni is as tall as a peg.
a snail is as slow as melting ice.

by Niamh

teaser week 1 activity 1

5 made up words
1. gigatorus (super big)
2. expellios (super spells)
3. tweenager (12 to 13)
4. mwister (mr\miss)
5. creefrog (creepy frog)

by Niamh

Thursday, 24 October 2019

the sad movie, the lion king.

on the first Friday of the holidays I went to the new lion king movie, I watched at the brickwork's event cinema in new Lynn. I went with my Auntie Annah and my little sister Ida. we saw the trailer and it looked AMAZING. ( also my Auntie sort of talked us into it) whenever we got there we realised we were a bit early, so we got our ticits and went to have lunch. when it was time for the movie we went to get some popcorn and went into cinema 6 (where the lion king was) we found our seats and sat down to watch the movie. at the end of the movie we got out of our seats and threw the popcorn box in the bin and then we went back to the car and drove home.

hope you liked it, biy! -Niamh.πŸ˜‰


Thursday, 26 September 2019

In the holidays( :

In the holidays my family and I went to my granny's house for a hole week. Her house is on an island called kawau. Her house is called weka, weka( a bird that lives on kawau). on kawau they have a famous bird they call a kawau shag. They make t-shirts with the shag forming from it looks like a country or a rock. 

the last time I went to kawau with my family  all the people in north cove (the place on kawau where my granny lives) had a Anzac ceremony and the people who went before my granny got a bi teary just like my granny. when my granny told the story about my great grandad my uncle,mum,sis,anty,cosin Blake and me got to stand next to her. 

when the ceremony was over we played around a bit and then went back to weka weka and went home.

hope you liked it!


Image result for island house emoji pngImage result for happy emoji png

Friday, 20 September 2019

the Emily avocado!

at garden to table Emily found a avocado and we showed Trudy and Trudy said that we could keep the avocado in our class.  the next day the avocado plant was bigger and it had already gotten some tiny leafs, there where three stems but the one that grew the fastest was the middle one the second fastest was the one on the right side the slowest one was the one on the left side, it is very fun to watch grow. as the days go on the avocado keeps getting bigger and                           bigger,  the avocado plant is on this cool                                          wooden desk that has cool dark Mandarin coler to it.

hope you liked it!    by: Niamh.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Sir ed's life

thanks for looking

hope you liked it, comment if you did

by Niamh

Sir ed time line


Hope you liked it comment to tell me

By Niamh

Sir Ed


This is my sir ed

Hope you like it comment to tell me

By Niamh

Monday, 1 April 2019

Music Class!

 Music Week 8!

in music with Mr. Lakatani, we have been learning about all the music families like the wood family. We have also done some things with drums like in one of our circuits in Room 15 (the music room). We also did some stuff with guitars and ukuleles.

Blog you later,